dramaqueer 2 – Unconditionally is an Active Art documentary theater project for transgender and non-binary people, that aims to investigate the working and economical discriminations, their manifestations, and their links and connections with other forms of discrimination spread in the society. Therefore, the involved playwrights have interviewed people that experience already in their daily life also other forms of discrimination such us misogyny, transphobia, queerphobia or racism.
Though, is another imaginary possible?
What would happen, if nobody would experience economic uncertainty? Would such dynamics and forms of discrimination be shaped differently?
The following interviews are the result of each playwright’s research work, on the basis of which a short theatrical piece will be written and performed in a public reading.
So, click on a name and enjoy the reading!
Interviews conducted and edited by Elijah, Ivan Provisoire, Talith and Bogdan Georgescu.