Shift-Stick – The Weekend Is Over is a Active Art Performance by dramaqueer and Queer Mama e.V.. The scenario is based on interviews with diverse gender marker Berliners working for public institutions and/or public service, mainly in Berlin Mitte. The research is an investigation built by and about non-binary people and the pressures of passing, of manipulating themselves or others, and the compromises involved in the delicate daily process of authentic self-representation versus self-censorship to gain social acceptability.

Humans are the only creatures in the Universe that can measure something that doesn’t exist. Join us on an exploration of gender-bending and fluidified self-expression of diverse identities. Enter the School of Unlearning, and register for the applied program on simultaneously coexisting binarities and non-binarities.

: Bogdan Georgescu
; visual artist: Fede Partinico; composer: Romain Frequency; performer: Bogdan Georgescu
; director
: Bogdan Georgescu; photography and video: 
Patrycja Toczek
; curator and producer: Alberto Orlandi; a project by: 
dramaqueer and Queer Mama e.V.; hosted by
: Haus der Statistik; performance dates: 12th and 13th December 2024.

Shift-Stick – The Weekend is Over is a project funded by the Aktionsfonds “Demokratie in der Mitte-Zentrum 2024 (Bundesprogramm “Demokratie Leben!)”.