Just for today is an Active Art writing for stage workshop for non-conforming gender people in Berlin-Friedrichshain, who have experience in overcoming addiction. The core theme is the exploration of personal experiences in their struggle against discrimination and isolation through creative collective processes. Observation and self-observation, autorepresentation and reflection as well as autofiction are used. Each participant created and developed a short scenario for performance. All scenarios were presented in a public reading performance, followed by a talk back with the audience.
playwrights : joji, Naima Juliette Paditz, Toni Standard ; performers: Destiny, Bogdan Georgescu, joji, Naima Juliette Paditz, Toni Standard ; director : Bogdan Georgescu; photography and video: Roni Lugassi ; graphic design : Roni Lugassi ; workshop facilitator: Bogdan Georgescu; project managment: Alberto Orlandi; a project by: dramaqueer; hosted by : Selbsthilfe-Treffpunkt – Volkssolidarität Berlin (workshop) and Kulturhaus Alte Feuerwache Friedrichshain (public reading performance); public readings: 25th September 2024. Just for today is a project funded by the “Aktionsfonds Partnerschaft für Demokratie Friedrichshain 2024”.